
由 Rodrigo Copetti 進行的實際分析


電子遊戲主機的進化史是如此地迷人。 一直以來個人電腦都是採取「逐步漸進」地發展方式,然而新世代的遊戲主機卻呈現了另一種截然不同的樣貌。 您將在這裡看到一系列文章,為您揭示最新技術趨勢背後的原理。 同時還將說明為什麼每個系統不能單純地用「xx 位元」、「oo 兆赫」、或是記憶體的大小來概括其性能。

這不是開發手冊,只是對每個系統內部運作方式的深入介紹。 請記住,技術隨著時間發展到非常複雜的程度,所以如果您對最新文章的理解感到吃力,或許可以先讀讀更早的文章。 這些文章介紹了許多概念和定義,以及在技術的發展中,這些概念與定義也經常地被重新審視。

儘管閱讀本書最好有基礎的計算機知識,但我仍盡力讓內容能夠通俗易懂,所以不用害怕嘗試! 但若仍遇到不懂的地方,也可以先翻翻這個 相關閱讀材料

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3rd 代

Known as '8-bit' consoles, these machines brought more sophisticated graphics and richer sounds than their predecessors. After all, a big market crash just occurred and newer standards had to be set.

優秀的GPU特性: Scrollable tile maps and larger colour palettes.

4th 代

DMA, horizontal interrupts, multiple modes... These are some examples of the new concepts that brought the new '16-bit' generation, opening the door to new genres of games.

顯著的CPU進步: Multiplication and division instructions, DMA and dual-processing.

優秀的GPU特性: Affine transformations and horizontal interrupts.

5th 代

3D gaming has become a need but 'how' is not clear yet. The response? Every company presented their own different vision.

顯著的CPU進步: Pipelined datapaths and L1 cache.

優秀的GPU特性: Programmable vertex pipelines, Z-buffering and perspective corrections.

6th 代

Most of the graphics limitations from the previous generation are no more. Portable consoles start to resemble familiar systems.

顯著的CPU進步: Superscalar architectures, SIMD instructions and L2 cache.

優秀的GPU特性: Programmable pixel pipelines and anisotropic filters.

7th 代

Consoles have evolved into supercomputers and multimedia hubs. These machines are now more capable than just playing games, which is why security is now a critical factor.

顯著的CPU進步: Thread level parallelism and symmetrical multi-core architectures.

優秀的GPU特性: Unified shader model and HDR rendering.

8th 代

The entertainment market has now been conquered by cheap smartphones and tablets. Social media capabilities become the first priority of every peripheral. It's time for traditional video-game companies to renovate their status quo, and they better do it quick.


有很多遊戲機我可以寫關於... 如果你想知道我的下一個列表是什麼,這就是:

### Next articles

- Sony PSVita (Part 2)
- Nintendo Switch

### Retro consoles / In-between the next articles

- Panasonic 3DO
- Atari Jag
- Atari 2600
- WonderSwan
- Mega Drive add-ons (MegaCD and 32x)

#### Personal computers repackaged as consoles

- Apple Pippin
- Atari XEGS
- Amiga CD32

### Modern consoles / More research needed

- Sony PlayStation 4
- Microsoft Xbox One
- Sony PlayStation 5
- Microsoft Xbox Series X/S
- Playdate

### Honourable articles / For another series

- Commodore 64
- Amiga 500 (featuring the Original Chip Set)
- Amiga 3000 (featuring the Enhanced Chip Set)
- Amiga 4000 (featuring the Advanced Graphics Architecture)


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If you want to know more about this series, here I've compiled common questions that people have asked me in the past.
